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About the denigration of the Latvian forest industry

10.01.2018 |  Māris Liopa

As we have established on multiple occasions during the conversations with colleagues, it seems that the “war” - an informative war - is currently taking place in Latvia. Nobody is denying it anymore. And the most absurd fact in it all is that this war does not really make any sense, since it does not and cannot have a positive outcome suitable for the well-being of Latvia.

People are always more at ease if they do not have to lie, come up with all sorts of “fairy tales” or “nightmares” and be afraid. We, the representatives of the forestry field, therefore can breathe easier, since we do not lie and come up with the “horror stories” regarding “the operative plans for destruction of Latvia” and other silly tales, which for a while now have taken over the social networks and mass media. It seems that even a special fund could be established: “Association of publicity stupidity for defamation of Latvia”. Sad, but this is reality.... It is clear that the best way to affect the society nowadays is to use the slogans with as sensational, loud and strident content as possible. Even though such methods were used already before World War II in the rhetoric of well-known regimes. And we know how it all ended. The question in essence is not about methods which for the relevant group instigating hysterics are rather questionable and come close to the criminal offense but rather on what these instigators are trying to achieve. What exactly? In the informative space of Latvia each third message is regarding lack of money, its need for basic things, ensuring of minimum well-fare of the population and elimination of threats to sustainability of Latvia. Seeing how the State budget is formed, seeing that we in Latvia need to ensure lower dependency of our own national economy on the external factors (in the globalization conditions none of the countries will ever be able to ensure complete self-sufficiency), a desire of some residents of Latvia to show Latvia as an unsuccessful country where nature is being destroyed, forests are deliberately chopped, biodiversity catastrophically reduces, “soon we will have a desert”, “thousands of birds die”, etc. is not justified. It all sounds like a desperate call for attention and demand for recognition - “We are here! Save us! Join in the battle against the nature-destructing regime existing in the country and its servants!” Latvia is not, and hopefully will never be an underdeveloped country like somewhere far in the areas of tropical rain forests where mass destruction of forests in reality takes place and brutal regimes govern people, mercilessly using the natural resources of the relevant countries. And we can see an answer here - these people shouting slogans of “’Latvia is being deforested” with all their being wish that all in Latvia would be bad to be able to feed on these negative, deceitful news, at the same time spreading them everywhere in the international environment. Since there is a competition: “Everything is being destroyed, cut, shot and dug out also in our country. “This country is unsustainable, etc.” We, compared to the people shouting about “destruction of forests”, base our opinion on the facts based on science, reality and the situation that Latvia needs to use its own natural resources, including, of course, forest. And use them responsibly with an attitude of a careful manager. A manager whose home is and will be in Latvia. This hysterical attitude and deceiving of society is directly manifested now - while waiting for the Centennial of Latvia. It is not incidental - it is a fact which should be paid attention to from the safety standpoint for our country. Most likely the law enforcement authorities will pay attention to the defamation and disinformation campaigns. Because how long can actually the lie flow against the country continue? We, of course, must increase mutual education and knowledge to be able to resit this flow of lies. We must talk to employees of public organizations, organizers of cultural and sporting events, artists and athletes, tell regarding the problems existing in the forestry field of Latvia and lack of respect which the representatives of the field face during discussions. They must be told regarding “attacks” and lies in the media environment and deliberate deceiving of the society. Incredible, but many of them have not even thought about it. People change their viewpoint after hearing and discussing these subjects. Hopefully they will less be engaged in spreading of destructive and degrading slogans. And that they will not make mistakes, as a result of which a large part of the society of Latvia is being humiliated. On the one hand, it seems like a battle against a windmill, but on the other hand, if we just shake hands and smile to everybody, nothing in Latvia will ever change. Things need to be perceived as they are, and then the discussion partners may not avoid the contemplation process. The British Premier Minister Winston Churchill stated: “Have you any enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life”. And for us “our Latvia” is this something

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