(Tuesday, December 8, 2020)
*Please note that both sessions will contain the same discussions to accommodate several time zones and enable the participation of our membership from all regions.
Meeting facilitator: Mr. John Ramsay
● Housekeeping Rules, and Agenda overview (5 minutes) Led by John Ramsay
● Opening & Welcome (10 minutes) Led by the FSC International Board of Directors and Kim Carstensen, Director General, FSC International
● Overview of engagement 2020 & Key membership issues & plans for 2021 (30 minutes) Led by FSC Membership Coordinators
● Report on achievements 2020 & priorities 2021 (40 minutes) Led by Kim Carstensen, FSC International Director General
● Q&A /discussion (60 minutes)
Led by John Ramsay
● Close of Meeting (5 minutes)
Led by the FSC International Board of Directors
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Do not forget to register for the High-Level Conferences, which will take place on 9 and 10 December, 2020. You can find the registration details here: https://members.fsc.org/en/webinars
Morning Session 09:30 - 12:00 CET
Afternoon Session 17:00 - 19:30 CET